You know you want one too:

One improvement came to mind, adding a third nozzle for melted dark chocolate:

That's gross, you say. You'll just have to move to Canada. A second improvement would be to add a fourth nozzle for whipped cream.
Views | Post | Date | Remarks |
16,831 | John Stamos to Star with Olsen Twins in Two and a Half Women | March 7, 2011 | OK, I made this up. Whenever I hear Donald Trump say that America doesn't win anymore, I think of Charlie Sheen. |
4,367 | Harvard Reenlists in the U.S. Navy ROTC | March 5, 2011 | In the words of Harvard graduate and Specialist Third Class Tom Lehrer, "Fight fiercely Harvard!" |
3,187 | Weiner Holder for President and Vice President | June 19, 2011 | My favorite Anthony Weiner posts are this one and this one. |
1,460 | The Nikki Haley Story: Some Lies Don't Tell So Well | June 12, 2010 | With Hillary Clinton's loss, Nikki Haley's back in the running to become the first woman President of the U.S.. |
1,420 | Milky Way Midnight Dark Wins the Candy Bar Taste Test | July 11, 2010 | Dark Chocolate M&M's are also great but increasingly hard to find in stores. |
1,408 | What Is Newt Hiding in Gingrich Holdings, Inc.? | Jan. 23, 2012 | Newt went on and on shamelessly about conflicts at Clinton Foundation. |
1,373 | The Legitimate Rape of Todd Akin | Aug. 20, 2012 | The 2016 U.S. Senate race in Missouri featured assembling an AR-15 blind-folded. |
1,269 | The Obamas Upstage Queen Elizabeth II in Ireland | May 24, 2011 | "We are amused, thinks the Queen, by these quaint Irish beverages." |
1,260 | Oprah Sheds Crocodile Tears for $38,000 Handbag | Aug. 12, 2013 | Oprah just smacked anti-Trump protesters with her handbag: "Everybody take a deep breath!" |
1,156 | The Great Hilliard Street Squirrel Massacre of 2015 | July 18, 2015 | Come to think of it, I don't remember when I last saw any squirrels around here. |
Views | Post | Date | Remarks |
40,973 | Mennonite Choir in Harvard Square | June 26, 2009 | Just beautiful. I would owe them a tithe if this blog/channel were monetized. |
9,735 | Drip, Drip, Drip | Feb. 6, 2014 | The dullest video on YouTube. Be sure to watch until the end for the big reveal. The sad truth is that I replaced the frying pan with a bigger bucket and did not get the leak fixed until April 22, 2015. |
6,930 | Dar Williams - Teen for God | Sep. 20, 2010 | Dar Williams, my favorite singer-songwriter performing today, at Club Passim, my favorite music venue. In this case, I prefer the Nanci Griffith version. |
6,077 | Calling Cows to the Bull Fight | Sep. 8, 2013 | That's my voice, and 8.38 of my 15 minutes of fame. My father makes a brief appearance at the end. |
4,718 | Girl Fight in Harvard Square | May 22, 2010 | As near as I can figure, capoeira is the martial art of not kicking your opponent. |
4,174 | Nikolas Metaxas - No More | June 19, 2011 | Nikolas Metaxas is famous in Crypus. Welcome Cypriots! |
4,061 | Liz Longley - I Only Love Him Because I'm Lonely | July 8, 2010 | I swear that I'm not the older guy referenced in the intro to this song. |
3,230 | Inca Son in Harvard Square | May 1, 2010 | When this first starting getting hits I thought I had gotten the name of the group wrong, but they do claim their earliest beginnings in the streets of Harvard Square. |
2,990 | Last Boot of My Macintosh Quadra 610 | Sep. 30, 2010 | My hand appears briefly in this video. "It is now safe to switch off your Macintosh." |
2,869 | Entering Clarinda, Iowa | July 20, 2010 | My hometown. Seven Spanish Angels is playing on the radio. |
Candidate | 2004 | 2008 | 2012 | 2016 |
Democratic | 59,027,115 | 69,499,428 | 65,918,507 | 65,844,610 |
Republican | 62,039,572 | 59,950,323 | 60,934,407 | 62,979,636 |
Third Party | 1,190,111 | 1,760,033 | 2,099,808 | 7,124,715 |
Write-In | 46,792 | 263,921 | 284,920 | 1,063,583 |
Total | 122,303,590 | 131,473,705 | 129,237,642 | 137,012,544 |
My mother, Dorothy, ... made sure I learned the words of our Methodist faith: “Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can.”Her Vice President candidate Tim Kaine said this shorter version:
Hillary Clinton and I ... share this basic belief, it’s simple. Do all the good you can and serve one another.Methodist minister William Shilled worked the full version of the old Methodist saying into his benediction:
Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.That's enough to make one tired thinking of all the work that may be involved. However, unlike 8 years ago where "Yes we can" was to be as judged by Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, today "all the good you can" will likely be judged by Republicans Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
"From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily lives. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son. And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."Michelle (2008):
"And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them. And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and to pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children -- and all children in this nation -- to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."The Trump campaign issued a statement that only compounds the gaffe:
"In writing her beautiful speech, Melania's team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking. Melania's immigrant experience and love for America shone through in her speech, which made it such a success.”Now I agree that it is Team Trump and not Melania that deserves the blame. They gave her a bad bat, and she just swung away. But aren't they, perhaps the same clueless hack writers that botched the speech, offering the excuse that Melania's thinking was in part inspired by and reflects the thinking of Michelle Obama?
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;Yes, I plagiarized that from Ernest Thayer.
the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
Michelle Obama's laughing, and all the Clintons shout;
but there is no joy in Trumpville — Melania was caught out.
"The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense. The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration.”When I first heard Donald Trump had flown to Scotland just in advance of the Brexit vote, I assumed he had gone to renew his Scottish passport and cast his ballot. Now I am sure Trump is a secret sleeper agent of the Queen sent here to undo American independence.
Country | Index | Change |
World | Global DOW | -5.41% |
United Kingdom | FTSE 100 | -3.15% |
United Kingdom | FTSE 250 | -7.19% |
France | CAC 40 | -8.04% |
Germany | DAX | -6.82% |
Netherlands | AEX | -5.70% |
Spain | IBEX 35 | -12.35% |
Italy | FTSE MIB | -12.48% |
Switzerland | Swiss Market | -3.44% |
Russia | RTS Index | -3.04% |
United States | DJIA | -3.39% |
Canada | S & P/TSX Comp | -1.69% |
Mexico | IPC All-Share | -2.73% |
Japan | Nikkei 300 | -7.38% |
China | Dow Jones China 88 | -1.34% |
India | S & P BSE Sensex | -2.24% |
"The United States has been pummeled by gun violence since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004. This year, mass shootings have already claimed 61 lives. One class of gun, semiautomatic rifles, is largely responsible. ... Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, there have beenYes, 411 people killed in 12 years is a lot, but not all of those were killed by semiautomatic rifles and there have been somewhere in the neighborhood of 130,000 gun deaths by homicide in the same period.
47 mass shootings
411 people killed
0 successful attempts to reinstate the ban
"AMERICAN RETIREES ARE LIVING OFF OF GUN SALES. Some of the largest investors in gun companies are average Americans who own index funds in their workplace retirement plans. If you have a 401(k) plan with Vanguard Group, in all likelihood you own gun stocks — and you’ve done well off it."This "fact" was immediately followed by this grapes to water melons comparison:
"The Boston Public School system’s 2015 budget was $975 million ... the 2015 revenue from manufacturing guns and ammunition was $15 billion; more than 15 times the BPS budget."Let's at least talk apples to oranges: $15 billion in gun sales to $620 billion spent nationwide on public school education. Apples to apples: $15 billion in gun sales to $18.558 trillion in gross domestic product. No, American retirees are not living off gun sales, not even a tenth of a penny.
Candidate | Percentage | |
2008 Barack Obama | 75.3% | |
2008 Hillary Clinton | 23.8% | |
2016 Hillary Clinton | 78.7% | |
2016 Bernie Sanders | 21.1% |
"The OIG found no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server."The thing to consider is just who Hillary was hiding her emails from. Was it Freedom of Information requests from the public? Was it Congress? Or was it her frenemies in the Obama administration including people they embedded into her own State Department? Yes, the true victim in the email scandal is Hillary's far left frenemies.
"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."
April is the cruellest month, breedingTed Cruz should be riding high off his win in Wisconsin last night, but his victory speech didn't sound it, and that's because he can smell the lilacs coming up in the Atlantic Coast primaries later this month. Forget the polls, here are the odds, according to Pivit:
Lilacs out of the dead land
State | Date | Delegates | Trump | Cruz | Kasich |
New York | April 19 | 95 | 99% | 1% | 1% |
Connecticut | April 26 | 28 | 93% | 5% | 2% |
Delaware | April 26 | 16 | 92% | 8% | <1% |
Maryland | April 26 | 38 | 68% | 32% | <1% |
Pennsylvania | April 26 | 71 | 87% | 13% | <1% |
Rhode Island | April 26 | 19 | 92% | 6% | <1% |
Indiana | May 3 | 57 | 18% | 82% | <1% |
Nebraska | May 10 | 36 | 2% | 98% | <1% |
West Virginia | May 10 | 34 | 84% | 16% | <1% |
Oregon | May 17 | 28 | 20% | 80% | <1% |
Washington | May 24 | 44 | 17% | 83% | <1% |
California | June 7 | 172 | 58% | 42% | <1% |
Montana | June 7 | 27 | 2% | 98% | <1% |
New Jersey | June 7 | 51 | 97% | 2% | 1% |
New Mexico | June 7 | 24 | 27% | 73% | <1% |
South Dakota | June 7 | 29 | 7% | 93% | <1% |
State | Date | Delegates | Poll Lead |
Nevada | February 23 | 30 | Trump +21.0% |
Georgia | March 1 | 76 | Trump +9.7% |
Texas | March 1 | 172 | Cruz +6.7% |
Massachusetts | March 1 | 42 | Trump +24.0% |
Minnesota | March 1 | 38 | Trump +6.0% |
Oklahoma | March 1 | 43 | Trump +7.5% |
Arkansas | March 1 | 40 | Cruz +4.0% |
Tennessee | March 1 | 58 | Trump +4.0% |
Alabama | March 1 | 50 | Trump +21.0% |
Colorado | March 1 | 37 | Carson +6.0% |
Virginia | March 1 | 49 | Trump +6.0% |
Alaska | March 1 | 28 | Trump +4.0% |
Louisiana | March 5 | 47 | Carson +4.0% |
Kentucky | March 5 | 45 | Paul +6.0% |
Kansas | March 5 | 23 | Christie +13.0% |
Michigan | March 8 | 59 | Trump +19.2% |
Mississippi | March 8 | 40 | Trump +7.0% |
Florida | March 15 | 99 | Trump +21.0% |
North Carolina | March 15 | 72 | Trump +9.0% |
Illinois | March 15 | 69 | Trump +3.0% |
Ohio | March 15 | 66 | Trump +5.0% |
Missouri | March 15 | 51 | Trump +12.0% |
Candidate | 11/11/2015 | 1/31/2016 |
Hillary Clinton | 45.7% | 50% |
Donald Trump | 9.9% | 16% |
Marco Rubio | 15.8% | 11% |
Bernie Sanders | 7.9% | 10% |
Ted Cruz | 3.0% | 9% |
Michael Bloomberg | - | 2% |
Jeb Bush | 5.7% | 1% |
Chris Christie | 1.9% | 1% |
Ben Carson | 3.8% | - |
John Kasich | 1.6% | - |
Carly Fiorina | 1.3% | - |
Mike Huckabee | 1.0% | - |
Rand Paul | 0.5% | - |
Martin O'Malley | 0.5% | - |
Rick Santorum | 0.4% | - |
| 0.4% | - |
| 0.3% | - |
| 0.3% | - |
Candidate | Iowa2/1/2016 | New Hampshire2/9/2016 | South Carolina2/20/2016 | Nevada2/23/2016 |
Donald Trump | 69% | 82% | 68% | 50% |
Ted Cruz | 29% | 4% | 30% | 33% |
Marco Rubio | 1% | 4% | 5% | 15% |
John Kasich | 1% | 4% | 1% | 1% |
Jeb Bush | 1% | 2% | 1% | - |
And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay;Let's consider the possibilities here:
Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.
Judges 12:5-6 (KJV)
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.On the word "liberty" the snickering of the Liberty U. students turned to cheering. For that audience, Trump had the right shibboleth.
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."So where does that leave Rafael Edward Cruz, or Edward IX as I shall now call him? It leaves him waving his mother's birth certificate to prove his natural-born citizenship, not his own, the one that proves he is not eligible.
"OBAMA: I'll tell you a story that, I think, indicates how I see the issue. Back in 2007, 2008, when I was campaigning, I'd leave Chicago, a city which is wonderful -- I couldn't be prouder of my city -- but where, every week, there's a story about a young person getting shot.I've heard the President tell this story before and it always makes me laugh, because my grandparents lived in Iowa farmhouses for their first 70+ years, and I've lived there myself, most recently for 2 months in the summer of 2011. The chances of becoming a victim of violent crime in the city of in Chicago is 1 in 111 (much higher in some neighborhoods, lower in others). In Iowa, the chances are 1 in 368. In other words, Iowa is 70% safer than Chicago.
Some are gang members, and it's turf battles. Sometimes it's innocent victims.
COOPER: Fifty-five people have been shot in Chicago in the last seven days.
OBAMA: Sometimes it's happened just a few blocks from my house, and I live in a reasonably good neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. So that's one image. All right? Talking to families who've gone through the pain of losing somebody because of violence in Chicago, gun violence.
Michelle and I are, then, campaigning out in Iowa, and we're going to farms, and we're going to counties, and at one point, Michelle turned to me, and she said, you know, if I was living in a farmhouse where the sheriff's department is pretty far away and somebody can just turn off the highway and come up to the farm, I'd want to have a shotgun or a rifle to make sure that I was protected and my family was protected. And she was absolutely right."
"OBAMA: And so part of the reason I think that this ends up being such a difficult issue is because people occupy different realities. There are a whole bunch of law-abiding citizens who have grown up hunting with their dad or going to the shooting range, and are responsible gun-owners, and then there's the reality that there are neighborhoods around the country where it is easier for a 12- or a 13-year-old to purchase a gun and cheaper than it is for them to get a book."Now think about that. You can buy the President's two books at Amazon.com, $7.00 for The Audacity of Hope and $8.74 for Dreams from My Father. You can check them out for free at the Cambridge Public Library (I checked, they have several copies of each available). But in certain neighborhoods te President thinks it's easier and cheaper to purchase a gun. That's a different reality, for sure.
"OBAMA: There's nothing else in our lives that we purchase where we don't try to make it a little safer if we can. Traffic fatalities have gone down drastically during my lifetime, and part of it is technology, and part of it is that the National Highway Safety Administration does research, and they figure out, you know what? Seat belts really work.But after a very sensible speech from Taya Kyle, author of American Life: A Memoir of Love, War, Faith and Renewal, who is the widow of Chris Kyle, former Navy SEAL and author of American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History, the President was backpedaling:
And, then we pass some laws to make sure seatbelts are fastened.
Air bags make a lot sense, let's try those out. Toys, we say, you know what? We find out that kids are swallowing toys all the time, let's make sure that the toys aren't so small that they swallow them if they're for toddlers, or infants. Medicine, kids can't open Aspirin caps.
Now, the notion that we would not apply the same basic principles to gun ownership as we do to everything else that we own...
COOPER: ... but you...
OBAMA: ... just to try to make them safer, or the notion that anything we do to try to make them safer is somehow a plot to take away guns -- that contradicts what we do to try to create a better life for Americans in every other area of our lives."
"OBAMA: What you said about murder rates and violent crime generally is something that we don't celebrate enough. The fact of the matter is that violent crime has been steadily declining across America for a pretty long time. And you wouldn't always know it by watching television, but overall, most cities are much safer than they were 10 years ago or 20 years ago."So it seems he acknowledges that we are getting a little safer from gun deaths every year. I'd suggest that Chris Kyle might still be alive if he had taken a veteran who was suffering from PTSD and on anti-psychotic medication to a doctor rather than a gun range for therapy, but nobody wants to talk about that.
"CORBAN: As a survivor of rape, and now a mother to two small children -- you know, it seems like being able to purchase a firearm of my choosing, and being able to carry that wherever my -- me and my family are -- it seems like my basic responsibility as a parent at this point.The President's reply got off to a good start:
I have been unspeakably victimized once already, and I refuse to let that happen again to myself or my kids. So why can't your administration see that these restrictions that you're putting to make it harder for me to own a gun, or harder for me to take that where I need to be is actually just making my kids and I less safe?"
"OBAMA: Well, Kimberly, first of all, obviously -- you know, your story is horrific. The strength you've shown in telling your story and, you know, being here tonight is remarkable, and so -- really proud of you for that.He should have stopped there, but he continued:
I just want to repeat that there's nothing that we've proposed that would make it harder for you to purchase a firearm. And -- now, you may be referring to issues like concealed carry, but those tend to be state-by-state decisions, and we're not making any proposals with respect to what states are doing. They can make their own decisions there.
So there really is no -- nothing we're proposing that prevents you or makes it harder for you to purchase a firearm if you need one."
"OBAMA: There are always questions as to whether or not having a firearm in the home protects you from that kind of violence, and I'm not sure we can resolve that. People argue it both sides.Giving Barack the benefit of the doubt on whether he was calling Kimberly a flat-earther, he sure is suggesting that she will shoot her eye out. Oh fudge.
What is true is, is that you have to be pretty well trained in order to fire a weapon against somebody who is assaulting you and catches you by surprise.
And what is also true is there's always the possibility that that firearm in a home leads to a tragic accident. You know, we can debate that round or flat.
And so, you know, if you look at the statistics, there's no doubt that there are times where somebody who has a weapon has been able to protect themselves and scare off an intruder or an assailant, but what is more often the case is that they may not have been able to protect themselves, but they end up being the victim of the weapon that they purchased themselves. And that is -- that's something that can be debated."
"So, I would like you to explain with 350 million guns in 65 million places, households, from Key West, to Alaska, 350 million objects in 65 million places, if the Federal government wanted to confiscate those objects, how would they do that?"Mark and Gabby support expanded universal background checks, understandable as her shooter Jared Loughner would not have passed a background check to purchase firearms if anyone in the process were to have spent 5 minutes talking to him.