Sunday, March 18, 2012

Elizabeth Warren Cheats on People's Pledge with The Road We've Traveled

The People's Pledge in the 2012 Massachusetts election for U.S. Senate was a simple idea:

If an independent third party group spends money on TV, radio, or online supporting a candidate, that candidate has agreed to pay 50% of the cost of airing that ad to a charity of the other candidate's choice.
The first test of this promise came a couple of weeks ago when the Coalition of Americans for Political Equality PAC was found to have spent $673.99 online in support of Republican Scott Brown. Scott dutiful sent a check to the Autism Consortium, which he rounded up from $337 to $1,000. Promise kept.

This weekend saw the online release of the 17 minute infomercial The Road We've Traveled about what President Obama's administration says it has accomplished in its first term. It premiered at house parties all across the state of Massachusetts. Fellow traveler Elizabeth Warren features prominently.

That's the same candidate Elizabeth Warren who signed the People's Pledge. Now she's featured in an online infomercial that at 1,183,470 views and counting will undoubtedly help her raise money nationally and persuade voters in Massachusetts.

I don't know how much was spent producing and airing this infomercial, and how much more will be spent as the 2012 campaign continues is purely speculative, but it could easily be more than $1,000,000.

Some lucky charity picked by Scott Brown should soon be getting a big check from the Elizabeth Warren campaign. But my guess is that someone who cheats so brazenly on the spirit of the People's Pledge won't be writing that check any time soon. This independent voter will see if she keeps her promise.

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