Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mitt Romney the Cookie Cutter Candidate

Mitt Romney reminded me once again why he is the cookie cutter candidate with his Presidential campaign annoucement speech in New Hampshire:

A few years ago, Americans Massachusetts did something that was, actually, very much the sort of thing Americans Bay Staters like to do: We gave someone new a chance to lead; someone we hadn't known for very long, who didn't have much of a record but promised to lead us to a better place.

At the time, we didn't know what sort of a President Governor he would make. It was a moment of crisis for our economy, and when Barack Obama Mitt Romney came to office, we wished him well and hoped for the best.

Now, in the third year of five years after his four-year term, we have more than promises and slogans to go by.

Barack Obama Mitt Romney has failed America Massachusetts.
I refuse to believe that America Massachusetts is just another place on the map with a flag. We stand for freedom and opportunity and hope.

These last two ten years have not been the best of times. But while we've lost a couple of years decade, we have not lost our way. The principles that made us a great nation state and leader of the world nation have not lost their meaning. They never will.

We know we can bring this country state back.

I'm Mitt Romney. I believe in America the Bay State. And I'm running for President of the United States Governor of Massachusetts.

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