Here is the 60 Minutes interview from the beginning of December:
Didn't we win this distinction a few years back? "Yes, you," Time magazine proclaimed. "You control the Information Age. Welcome to your world."

Rank | Actor | Gender | Age | Lifetime U.S. Box Office |
1 | Johnny Depp | Male | 47 | $2,731,758,969 |
2 | Angelina Jolie | Female | 35 | $1,607,756,601 |
3 | Robert Downey, Jr. | Male | 45 | $1,989,876,295 |
4 | Matt Damon | Male | 40 | $2,511,475,356 |
5 | Steve Carell | Male | 48 | $1,616,882,568 |
6 | Tom Hanks | Male | 54 | $4,408,107,253 |
7 | Denzel Washington | Male | 56 | $1,833,794,005 |
8 | Leonardo DiCaprio | Male | 36 | $1,883,672,916 |
9 | George Clooney | Male | 49 | $1,750,939,442 |
10 | Anne Hathaway | Female | 28 | $1,188,233,811 |
Rank | Actor | Gender | Age | Lifetime U.S. Box Office |
1 | Cameron Diaz | Female | 38 | $2,707,789,729 |
2 | Gwyneth Paltrow | Female | 38 | $1,752,156,187 |
3 | Cate Blanchett | Female | 41 | $2,038,042,217 |
4 | Julia Roberts | Female | 43 | $2,523,519,818 |
5 | Helena Bonham Carter | Female | 44 | $2,128,001,715 |
6 | Joan Cusack | Female | 48 | $1,881,735,102 |
7 | Sigourey Weaver | Female | 61 | $2,409,910,544 |
8 | Meryl Streep | Female | 61 | $1,751,561,404 |
9 | Kathy Bates | Female | 62 | $2,561,897,494 |
10 | Maggie Smith | Female | 76 | $2,527,327,957 |
Promise | Analysis |
Middle class families will see their taxes cut – and no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase. | That's true, the Bush tax cuts will be continued for the middle class folks, and they also will get 2% cut off their social security taxes. |
Families making more than $250,000 will pay either the same or lower tax rates than they paid in the 1990s. | That's true too, their taxes will go down. And if you read the fine print, it says "Obama will ask the wealthiest 2% of families to give back a portion of the tax cuts they have received over the past eight years to ensure we are restoring fairness and returning to fiscal responsibility." He asked, they said no. |
Obama’s plan will cut taxes overall, reducing revenues to below the levels that prevailed under Ronald Reagan (less than 18.2 percent of GDP). | That's at least partly true, taxes will be cut overall, whether to the levels of Ronald Reagan is hard to say. The fine print on this one is not true: "Coupled with his commitment to cut unnecessary spending, Obama will pay for this tax relief while bringing down the budget deficit." Of course, Obama can say he still has the committment, just as soon as we get out of the Great Recession. |
Item | Description | Price | Remarks |
![]() | Know Your Power (autographed by Nancy Pelosi) | $42.50 | You can get this book from Borders.com for $4.99, so $42.50 is a 750% markup. Has Nancy Pelosi once again overestimated her power? |
![]() | Know Your Power (not autographed by Nancy Pelosi) | $25.00 | They've sold out of these so you'll have to spring for the autograph and an extra $17.50. |
![]() | Red to Blue (autographed) | $32.50 | Suspect Nancy Pelosi won't be selling the sequel Blue Back to Red here. |
![]() | Third Term (autographed by Paul Begala) | $32.50 | With Nancy Pelosi going into the Minority Leader position, we're sure to be hearing a lot from her about Obama's third Bush term. |
![]() | Blue Democratic Dog Leash | $6.99 | Nancy Pelosi is long a few leashes now that so many blue dog Democrats have slipped their collars or been defeated. |
![]() | Speaker Pelosi Blue Twist Pen | $.99 | First Nancy Pelosi twists your arm, then she tells you where to sign. |
![]() | Men's Black Fleece Jacket | $49.95 | 0 available. Is someome feeling fleeced or jacked by a black man? I'm just saying. |
![]() | Proud Democrat Black LS T-Shirt | $17.99 | Only 3 left, but all in the small size. When they're gone, there'll be no proud Democrats left. |
![]() | We Don't Quit Black T-Shirt | $14.99 | Again with the black sublimimal messages about not compromising? |
![]() | Ladies' Black Fleece Jacket | $55.20 | Is someone also feeling fleeced by a black lady, not the First Lady I hope? |
![]() | Ladies' Organic Brown T-Shirt | $20.00 | Excuse me? Is organic brown another dig at the First Lady? Say it isn't so. |
![]() | A Woman's Place White LS T-Shirt | $17.99 | Nancy Pelosi is a white woman, this is her T-Shirt, and I was starting to think I was reading too much into her color schemes. |
![]() | Lil' Dem Baby Onesie | $14.99 | Yes, you can get it in the Barney Frank size. |
Candidate | Resume | Chances |
Sarah Palin | Alaska Governor | She's a political rock star but many people have written her off as a loser, quitter, and nincompoop |
Mitt Romney | Massachusetts Governor | Masterminded the Massachusetts health care reform that was used as the blueprint for Obamacare |
Newt Gingrich | U.S. House Speaker, Georgia Congressman | Thinks his Contract with America invented the Tea Party |
Mike Huckabee | Arkansas Governor | Still has support in Iowa, but is host of most boring show on Fox |
Rudy Giuliani | Mayor of New York City | Can Republican voters get past that he is prochoice? |
Ron Paul | Texas Congressman | Will sit out in favor of a future run by son newly elect U.S. Senator Rand "Aqua Buddha" Paul |
Bobby Jindal | Louisiana Governor | Blew his 15 minutes of fame giving the Republican response to Barack Obama's first State of the Union speech |
Haley Barbour | Mississippi Governor, RNC Chairman | He can whistle Dixie |
Jeb Bush | Florida Governor | Is America ready for a fourth Bush term? |
Rick Santorum | U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania Congressman | The left would commit him to a sanitarioum |
Mitch Daniels | Indiana Governor, OMB Director | I knew Dan Qualye, Mitch Daniels is no Dan Qualye |
Tim Pawlenty | Minnesota Governor | No one knows him outside Minnesota |
John Thune | U.S. Senator, South Dakatoa Congressman | No one knows him outside South Dakata |
Candidate | Resume | Chances |
Jon Greenspon | Montana Businessman | As the first announced candidate he aready has his own website and online store |
Fred Karger | California political consultant and gay rights activist | He has a website but nothing to sell, and gay rights will be a very tough sell to Republican voters |
Chris Christie | New Jersey Governor | Would have to turn his back on his governorship in the middle of his first term |
Rick Perry | Texas Governor | Says he doesn't want run, might prefer to be President of Texas |
Jim DeMint | U.S. Senator for South Carolina | Self-proclaimed Tea Party kingmaker may want to be king |
Mike Pence | Indiana Congressman | Just gave up his House leadership position but may intend to run for Governor not for President |
Paul Ryan | Wisconsin Congressman | Keeps updating his Roadmap for America's Future |
John Bolton | U.N. Ambassador | He'd have to shave his mustache if he wants to be taken seriously as Mr. Right for America |
Donald Trump | Businessman | Couldn't get elected Mayor of Atlantic City but may secretly dream of telling Barack Obama, "You're fired!" |
Herman Cain | Radio Talk Show Host | Conservatives love him on the radio, but how many votes will he get in Virgil Caine country? |
Michele Bachmann | Minnesota Congressman | Tea Party Caucus organizer was passed over for House GOP Leadership |
Votes | Candidate |
1,168,107 | Scott Brown (R) |
1,058,682 | Martha Coakley (D) |
22,237 | Joe Kennedy (I) |
2,249,026 | Total |
Votes | Candidate |
1,108,028 | Deval Patrick (D) |
962,671 | Charlie Baker (R) |
183,892 | Tim Cahill (I) |
32,816 | Jill Stein (G) |
2,287,407 | Total |
Votes | Candidate |
1,203,647 | Steve Grossman (R) |
986,768 | Karen Polito (D) |
2,190,415 | Total |
Votes | Candidate |
1,015,616 | Suzanne Bump (D) |
976,014 | Mary Connaughton (R) |
108,333 | Nat Fortune (G) |
2,099,963 | Total |
Votes | Candidate |
1,412,959 | Martha Coakley (D) |
837,616 | Jim McKenna (R) |
2,250,575 | Total |
Votes | Candidate |
1,416,166 | Bill Galvin (D) |
718,138 | Bill Campbell (R) |
60,948 | Jim Henderson (I) |
2,195,252 | Total |